Appointment Information: 707.255.0966 ext.132

Teens Connect – Mosaic Stone Stacking Workshop with Nimbus

Ages 13-19

We are so excited to invite you to our first Mosaic Stone Stacking Workshop, a collaborative project with Nimbus Arts and Teens Connect! You will be working with professional artists to create your own mosaic element, that will be collected and assembled onto large-scale stone sculptural forms. The personal mosaics will transform into a visual expression of community balance and strength. The completed mosaic-adorned cairn sculptures will be stacked up to ten-feet high and surrounded by a pool of natural stones as a public art installation in the city of Napa, inviting interactive play, peaceful reflection, and inspira­tion for others to create their own cairns.

Once you’ve participated in the workshop and mastered mosaic art skills, you can sign up to volunteer as an Art Assistant for future workshops, where you’ll lead community members in the creation of their own personal mosaic elements. (Opportunity for ages 13-19). If you’re interested in being an Art Assistant, sign up at the link in the bio at @teensconnectnapa on Instagram.

Questions? Email Nyah McWilliams, Senior Prevention Specialist at [email protected].


Sep 13 2023


5:30 pm - 7:00 pm