2121 Imola Ave
Napa, CA 94559 - 707-265-2795
- Napa County Office Of Education Website
Mariposa & Bridging Brothers is a youth development program serving students at many middle and high schools in Napa County. Mariposa & Bridging Brothers is a program of the Napa County Office of Education.
The Mariposa Program of the Napa County Office of Education empowers girls in middle and high school by providing a violence prevention, culture-inclusive and self-esteem building curriculum. Mariposa Program has adapted to COVID-19 safety guidelines and is delivering our services to students through a virtual platform until schools reopen to daily in-person instruction. The program focuses on learning about the power within and the ways in which participants can lead the direction of their lives, strengthening the participants’ self-worth, and reinforcing future aspirations and setting goals. Mariposa youth lead peer-to-peer prevention campaigns that reach thousands of students.
Mariposa serves approximately 100 students annually at nine school sites in Napa. Pre and post surveys are administered to measure the effectiveness of the program. Students in the program claim that they feel more comfortable talking to peers about bullying, sexual harassment, and dating abuse. They also say they think about how to improve problems observed in their community and school, and feel more connected to people at their school.
Bridging Brothers is a complementary program of Mariposa serving young men at Camille Creek. The program is structured to explore challenges, strengths, and coping strategies. Bridging Brothers further guides our youth into a holistic process of growth and transformation that includes four areas of human development: emotional/spiritual, psychological, social, and intellectual. Our ultimate goal is to enhance the educational experience and support first- and second-generation students of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds through our programs.