Appointment Information: 707.255.0966 ext.132


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GotR North Bay Logo

Girls on the Run North Bay

Inspire girls ages 8 to 13 to be joyful, healthy, caring and confident using the Girls on the Run International research proven life skills curriculum that creatively combines engaging discussion with games and movement. Young girls' self-esteem is built so they stand up for themselves and others.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Girls on the Run North Bay

Girls on the Run North Bay

Inspire a niñas de 8 a 13 años a ser alegres, saludables, bondadosas y seguras de sí mismas utilizando el currículo de habilidades para la vida probado de la investigación Internacional de Girls on the Run que combina creativamente la discusión con juegos y movimiento. La autoestima de las jóvenes se construye para que se defiendan a sí mismas y a los demás.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Grupo De Apoyo Para Adolescentes De Alateen

Grupo De Apoyo Para Adolescentes De Alateen

Alateen es un grupo para jóvenes de 13 a 19 años cuyas vidas se han visto afectadas por la bebida de otra persona.

Language Offered
GotR North Bay Logo

Girls on the Run North Bay

Inspire girls ages 8 to 13 to be joyful, healthy, caring and confident using the Girls on the Run International research proven life skills curriculum that creatively combines engaging discussion with games and movement. Young girls' self-esteem is built so they stand up for themselves and others.

Language Offered
English, Spanish

You may contact each individual program through their individual profiles.  If you have general questions, feel free to reach out.

Have questions? Get in touch.

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