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Community & Youth Resources

Welcome to the Napa County Community & Youth Resource Directory! This is a “one stop shop” for our community to find local organizations providing mental health, wellness and prevention services for youth. Use this site to find out more information about these diverse organizations, including how to connect with their service providers.


Ages (0-10)


Ages (11-25)


Ages (26-99+)
Parent and Caregiver Cafes at Community Resources for Children

Parent and Caregiver Cafes at Community Resources for Children

Our Parent and Caregiver Cafés at Community Resources for Children provide parents and caregivers caring for children ages 0-5 to build relationships with one another and share with one another through facilitated conversations.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Parents As Teachers Home Visiting Program

Parents As Teachers Home Visiting Program

The PAT Home Visiting program links each family with a Family Support Specialist who visits the parents and children, either in-person or virtually through Zoom, to provide parent and child development education and activities designed to encourage each child’s physical and emotional development. The Family Support Specialist also connects families with resources in the community and supports parents to set realistic goals for their family. Family group connection events are hosted monthly and all parents are invited to join with their children to meet other families in the community and build a positive peer network.

Language Offered
English, Spanish


Provide services and support to parents of children with special needs.

Language Offered
English, Spanish


Proporcionar servicios y apoyo a los padres de niños con necesidades especiales.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Postpartum Support International

Postpartum Support International

The mission of Postpartum Support International is to promote awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Programa de Crianza Positiva Triple P®

Programa de Crianza Positiva Triple P®

Cope Family Center está aquí para apoyar a los padres y cuidadores de niños a través de situaciones estresantes y eventos desafiantes de la vida para que puedan criar niños que prosperen. Ofrecemos una variedad de educación para padres y servicios de apoyo familiar para ayudar a los padres y cuidadores de niños a proporcionar un hogar seguro, amoroso y saludable para sus hijos.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Programa de Recursos y Referencias en Community Resources for Children

Programa de Recursos y Referencias en Community Resources for Children

El Programa de Recursos y Referencias de Community Resources for Children ayuda a las familias a comprender sus opciones de cuidado infantil y a encontrar programas de cuidado infantil que satisfagan sus necesidades.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Programa de Visitas al Hogar de Padres como Maestros (PAT)

Programa de Visitas al Hogar de Padres como Maestros (PAT)

El programa PAT de Visitas al Hogar vincula a cada familia con un especialista en apoyo familiar que visita a los padres y los niños, ya sea en persona o virtualmente a través de Zoom, para proporcionar educación para el desarrollo de padres e hijos y actividades diseñadas para fomentar el desarrollo físico y emocional de cada niño. El Especialista en Apoyo Familiar también conecta a las familias con recursos en la comunidad y apoya a los padres a establecer metas realistas para su familia. Los eventos de conexión de grupos familiares se organizan mensualmente y todos los padres están invitados a junto a sus hijos a unirse a conocer a otras familias de la comunidad y construir una red positiva de pares.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Programas de aprendizaje temprano y recursos comunitarios para niños

Programas de aprendizaje temprano y recursos comunitarios para niños

Nuestros Programas de Aprendizaje Temprano en Community Resources for Children sirven a niños de 0 a 5 años y a sus padres y cuidadores. Nuestros programas y servicios incluyen el Programa de Preparación Escolar de Active Minds, la Biblioteca de Juguetes y el Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano, así como evaluaciones del desarrollo.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Psychology Today Find a Therapist

Psychology Today Find a Therapist

Use this website to find a therapist near you.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Psychology Today Psychology Today – Encuentra un terapeuta

Psychology Today Psychology Today – Encuentra un terapeuta

Utilice este sitio web para encontrar un terapeuta cerca de usted.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Puertas Abiertas Community Resource Center

Puertas Abiertas Community Resource Center

Since its founding in 2005, Puertas Abiertas Community Resource Center continues to provide a variety of all-encompassing services to Napa’s most vulnerable communities by the following: education and self-sufficiency, legal and immigration navigation, CalFresh, Medi-Cal, EDD, Social Security and other services and referrals, as well as mental health services, informational workshops, food and emergency/disaster relief […]
Language Offered
English, Spanish