Appointment Information: 707.255.0966 ext.132

Community & Youth Resources

Welcome to the Napa County Community & Youth Resource Directory! This is a “one stop shop” for our community to find local organizations providing mental health, wellness and prevention services for youth. Use this site to find out more information about these diverse organizations, including how to connect with their service providers.


Ages (0-10)


Ages (11-25)


Ages (26-99+)
Recursos comunitarios para niños

Recursos comunitarios para niños

Nuestra misión es proporcionar a los niños el mejor comienzo posible al empoderar a los adultos que impactan su cuidado y educación. Ya sea que un niño esté en casa con un padre, en cuidado infantil o preescolar, o cuidado por un amigo o pariente, CRC proporciona a los adultos que cuidan a los niños el conocimiento, las herramientas y los recursos para que los niños bajo su cuidado prosperen

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Redwood Middle School

Redwood Middle School

Use this flyer to find support and resources at your school.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Redwood Middle School

Redwood Middle School

Use este folleto para encontrar apoyo y recursos en su escuela

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Resource and Referral Program at Community Resources for Children

Resource and Referral Program at Community Resources for Children

The Resource and Referral Program at Community Resources for Children helps families to understand their child care options and to find child care programs that meet their needs.

Language Offered
English, Spanish