Appointment Information: 707.255.0966 ext.132

Community & Youth Resources

Welcome to the Napa County Community & Youth Resource Directory! This is a “one stop shop” for our community to find local organizations providing mental health, wellness and prevention services for youth. Use this site to find out more information about these diverse organizations, including how to connect with their service providers.


Ages (0-10)


Ages (11-25)


Ages (26-99+)
Servicios de Emergencia del Condado de Napa

Servicios de Emergencia del Condado de Napa

La Oficina de Servicios de Emergencia del Condado de Napa (OES) proporciona información sobre preparación, respuesta y recuperación ante emergencias; mantiene y actualiza los planes de emergencia del condado según sea necesario; y capacita a la comunidad para desastres.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Servicios de trastornos por uso de sustancias- Tratamiento

Servicios de trastornos por uso de sustancias- Tratamiento

Los servicios de Trastorno por uso de Sustancias de Aldea es un programa que ofrece servicios de tratamiento de uso de sustancias para jóvenes del Condado de Napa con el fin de reducir el impacto del abuso de alcohol y drogas en nuestros jóvenes, familias, escuelas y comunidades.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Servicios Para Niños y Familias de ALDEA

Servicios Para Niños y Familias de ALDEA

Aldea sirve a todos los jóvenes del condado de Napa con salud mental, abuso de sustancias, prevención, programas para adolescentes, cuidado de crianza / adopción y servicios de centro para víctimas.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Share the Care Napa Valley

Share the Care Napa Valley

Share the Care Napa Valley supports the health, well-being and independence of older adults throughout Napa County. We offer 3 programs: Yvonne's Front Porch, Stop Falls and De-cluttering.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Share the Care Napa Valley

Share the Care Napa Valley

Share the Care Napa Valley apoya la salud, el bienestar y la independencia de los adultos mayores en todo el condado de Napa. Ofrecemos 3 programas: Yvonne's Front Porch, Stop Falls y De-cluttering

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Silverado Middle School

Silverado Middle School

Use this flyer to find support and resources at your school.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Silverado Middle School

Silverado Middle School

Use este folleto para encontrar apoyo y recursos en su escuela

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Substance Use Disorder Services- Treatment

Substance Use Disorder Services- Treatment

Aldea Substance Use Disorder services is a program that offers substance use treatment services for Napa County youth in order to reduce the impact of alcohol and drug abuse on our youth, families, schools and communities.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Supportive Outreach & Access to Resources (SOAR)- Napa County

Supportive Outreach & Access to Resources (SOAR)- Napa County

Through Supportive Outreach & Access to Resources (SOAR), Aldea helps people who are experiencing the symptoms of early psychosis to reduce and manage their symptoms so they may succeed in education, careers and relationships.

Language Offered
English, Spanish