Appointment Information: 707.255.0966 ext.132

Community & Youth Resources

Welcome to the Napa County Community & Youth Resource Directory! This is a “one stop shop” for our community to find local organizations providing mental health, wellness and prevention services for youth. Use this site to find out more information about these diverse organizations, including how to connect with their service providers.


Ages (0-10)


Ages (11-25)


Ages (26-99+)
10k Degrees Logo

10,000 Degrees®

As California’s leading college success nonprofit, 10,000 Degrees® supports students from low-income backgrounds to and through college.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
10,000 Degrees®

10,000 Degrees®

10,000 Degrees® apoya a estudiantes de bajos ingresos hacia y durante la universidad.

Language Offered
English, Spanish


El programa 4-H ayuda a los jóvenes, de 5 a 18 años, a alcanzar su máximo potencial como individuos competentes y seguros que contribuyen y están conectados con sus comunidades. En los programas 4-H, se anima a los jóvenes a descubrir sus pasiones, adoptar una mentalidad de crecimiento, practicar la autorreflexión y establecer metas. Los proyectos de 4-H se centran en la ciudadanía, la vida sana y STEM.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Abode Services

Abode Services

Servimos a personas TAY (jóvenes en edad de transición) que tienen entre 16 y 26 años. Estos servicios están dirigidos a jóvenes emancipados y otras personas que pueden ser desplazadas.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Abode Services

Abode Services

We serve TAY individuals (Transitional Age Youth) which are aged 16-26. These services target emancipated youth and others who may be displaced.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Alaina’s Voice Foundation

Alaina’s Voice Foundation

We are the people you ask for help when you don't know who to ask.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Alaina’s Voice Foundation

Alaina’s Voice Foundation

Somos las personas a las que pides ayuda cuando no sabes a quién preguntar.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Alateen Teen Support Group

Alateen Teen Support Group

Support and hope for teens affected by someone else’s drinking

Language Offered
Alcance de Apoyo y Acceso a Recursos (SOAR) – Condado de Napa

Alcance de Apoyo y Acceso a Recursos (SOAR) – Condado de Napa

A través de Alcance de apoyo & Acceso a los Recursos (SOAR), Aldea ayuda a las personas que experimentan los síntomas de la psicosis temprana a reducir y controlar sus síntomas para que puedan tener éxito en la educación, carreras y relaciones.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Aldea Counseling Services (ACS)

Aldea Counseling Services (ACS)

ACS empowers people to improve their mental health and family functioning, creating a safer and healthier community for all of us.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Aldea Servicios de Consejería (ACS)

Aldea Servicios de Consejería (ACS)

ACS empodera a las personas para mejorar su salud mental y el funcionamiento familiar, creando una comunidad más segura y saludable para todos nosotros.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Aldea Substance Use Disorder Services- Prevention

Aldea Substance Use Disorder Services- Prevention

Aldea Substance Use Disorder services is a program that offers substance abuse prevention treatment services for Napa County youth in order to reduce the impact of alcohol and drug abuse on our youth, families, schools and communities.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Aldea Logo Updated

Aldea, Inc.

We provide Napa County residents mental health treatment, offer the SOAR Program to treat symptoms of early psychosis. ALDEA is also offers our substance use disorder services (SUDS) program and prevention services, treatment foster care (TFC) and adoption services and ALDEA’s day adolescent treatment programs (ADAPT). ALDEA works together with the County of Napa’s District […]
Language Offered
English, Spanish
Aldea, Servicios de trastorno por uso de sustancias – prevención

Aldea, Servicios de trastorno por uso de sustancias – prevención

Los servicios de Trastorno por uso de Sustancias de Aldea es un programa que ofrece servicios de tratamiento de prevención de abuso de sustancias para jóvenes del Condado de Napa con el fin de reducir el impacto del abuso de alcohol y drogas en nuestros jóvenes, familias, escuelas y comunidades.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
All Youth Napa

All Youth Napa

Connecting Napa Valley’s Youth with the Resources They Need.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
American Canyon Community & Parks Foundation

American Canyon Community & Parks Foundation

ACCPF provides educational outdoor activities for youth all ages in addition to low cost after school enrichment programs focused on arts & science. Scholarships are provided. In 2020, ACCPF launched free COVID response programs for youth: Park & Play, Curiosity Kids and Watershed Explorers.

Language Offered
American Canyon High School

American Canyon High School

Use this flyer to find support and resources at your school

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
American Canyon High School

American Canyon High School

Use este folleto para encontrar apoyo y recursos en su escuela

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
American Canyon Middle School

American Canyon Middle School

Use this flyer to find support and resources at your school.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
American Canyon Middle School

American Canyon Middle School

Use este folleto para encontrar apoyo y recursos en su escuela

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Apoyo Posparto Internacional

Apoyo Posparto Internacional

La misión del Apoyo Posparto Internacional es promover la concienciación, prevención y el tratamiento de los problemas de salud mental relacionados con la maternidad en todos los países del mundo.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
As You Are Nutrition

As You Are Nutrition

As You Are Nutrition is a group practice based in Napa County. We accept most insurances and offer inclusive, non-diet nutrition therapy virtually and in-person.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Boys & Girls Clubs del Valle de Napa

Boys & Girls Clubs del Valle de Napa

Ofrecemos programas de enriquecimiento después de la escuela en 12 ubicaciones en Napa y American Canyon

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Boys & Girls Clubs of Napa Valley

Boys & Girls Clubs of Napa Valley

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
BTS, Inc.

Burnett Therapeutic Services, Inc.

Burnett Therapeutic Services (BTS) offers Behavioral and Mental Health Therapy Services for children, youth, adults, couples and families.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Burnett Therapeutic Services, Inc.

Burnett Therapeutic Services, Inc.

Contamos con un equipo de excelentes profesionales, hombres y mujeres de diversos orígenes, niveles académicos y experiencias que trabajan juntos para hacer de BTS una agencia vital y relevante en la comunidad. Trabajamos con jóvenes en nuestra clínica de Napa y, cuando es posible, en entornos escolares.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Cafés para padres y cuidadores en Community Resources for Children

Cafés para padres y cuidadores en Community Resources for Children

Nuestros cafés para padres y cuidadores en Community Resources for Children brindan a los padres y cuidadores que cuidan a niños de 0 a 5 años para establecer relaciones entre sí y compartir entre sí a través de conversaciones facilitadas.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Cafeteria Kids Theater

Cafeteria Kids Theater

A theater for kids + teens
Serving up drama for the young people of Napa Valley
We offer acting opportunities for kids, teens, and schools!

Language Offered
Cafetería Teatro Infantil

Cafetería Teatro Infantil

Cafeteria Kids Theater lleva las artes escénicas a niños y familias en el Valle de Napa utilizando el teatro como un vehículo para unir diferentes etnias, orígenes y perspectivas. Los estudiantes que actúan mejoran las habilidades para hablar en público y desarrollan confianza, seguridad en sí mismo, empatía y autoestima.

Language Offered


CalHOPE builds community resiliency and helps people recover from disasters through free outreach, crisis counseling, and support services. Services include: Individual and Group Crisis Counseling and Support Individual and Public Education Community Networking and Support Connection to Resources Media and Public Service Announcements.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information


CalHOPE construye la resiliencia de la comunidad y ayuda a las personas a recuperarse de los desastres a través de alcance gratuito, consejería de crisis y servicios de apoyo. Los servicios incluyen: Consejería de crisis individual y grupal y apoyar individual y redes comunitarias de educación pública, apoyar conexión de recursos medios y anuncios de servicio público

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Camille Creek Community School

Camille Creek Community School

Camille Creek Community School is a small alternative school for students who haven’t been successful at traditional schools. Our students usually come to us because of issues with truancy or behavior. Our objective is to help our students gain the social and academic skills they will need for employment or further education and the interpersonal […]
Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Centro de Recursos Comunitarios Puertas Abiertas

Centro de Recursos Comunitarios Puertas Abiertas

Las poblaciones objetivo de Puertas Abiertas son la comunidad latina y otras comunidades vulnerables y desatendidas. Todos nuestros servicios son bilingües (inglés y español) y están disponibles para padres, tutores y adolescentes.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Centros Familiares UpValley

Centros Familiares UpValley

UpValley Family Centers proporciona tutoría a nivel escolar y conexiones con servicios como consejería, educación para la prevención de drogas/alcohol, tutoría y más. También dirigimos grupos al nivel escolar en todos las escuelas secundarias y preparatorias en Calistoga y St. Helena.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Child Start Inc.

Child Start Inc.

Child Start is committed to the development of the whole child—educationally, socially, and emotionally—through our Head Start/Early Head Start programs and in collaboration with community programs and services that benefit low-income families.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
Child Start Incorporated

Child Start Incorporated

Child Start está comprometido con el desarrollo integral del niño, educativa, social y emocionalmente, a través de nuestros programas Head Start / Early Head Start y en colaboración con programas y servicios comunitarios que benefician a familias de bajos ingresos.

Language Offered
English, Spanish
City of Napa Park and Recreation

City of Napa Park and Recreation

Your one stop shop for sports, fitness, aquatics, camps, classes, picnic reservations and leisure activities for ages birth thru 100 and beyond.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
City of Napa Park and Recreation

City of Napa Park and Recreation

Your Su única parada para deportes, aptitud física, deportes acuáticos, campamentos, clases, reservas de picnic y actividades de ocio para edades desde el nacimiento hasta los 100 años y más allá

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
Coalición de Seguridad de Opioides de Napa

Coalición de Seguridad de Opioides de Napa

Comprometido a mejorar la seguridad de los opioides y el acceso al tratamiento en el condado de Napa. NOSC es una colaboración de atención médica, aplicación de la ley, educación y organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro para compartir recursos de prevención.

Language Offered
Services may be offered in Spanish; please contact the organization for more information
College Made Clear

College Made Clear

College Made Clear's mission is to make the college selection, application and admissions process easier. College admissions is complex and increasingly competitive. Anne crafts an individualized plan for each student to ensure a stress-free path to college. By appointment only.

Language Offered